Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Options, options, options...

Yesterday I was perusing the Sevier Skirt website when I was blind sided by yet another new feature...Michael Stars is finally here!!!  While I was looking at the shirts I was struck by the perfect timing of choosing the Annie Damask Dot for our SOW this Monday.   I can honestly tell you I had no idea of the colors we were getting in for summer.  If you notice, the colors match the Annie perfectly.  Coincidence?  Yes totally, but lets roll with it ;)

So I've put together a few looks for you with our new Michael Stars styles.  I told you we were about to make your Sevier Skirt shopping experience even easier and voila...

So follow the arrows.  Any color will go with the Annie, its up to you to pick the color that is most appealing for your taste.  Have fun with it!
Some accessories to go with your look...

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